What is the Threat to Retirement?

Depleting Assets

When choosing a financial advisor caring about what and how much they know is not as important as knowing how much they care.

Ask your financial advisor about allocating a portion of your “emergency fund” assets towards a piece of mind for your future care.

If you are not allocating some of your assets to the potential of a long-term or critical care scenario in retirement, you are putting all of your assets at risk.

Medical Bankruptcy and Home Foreclosure

“Medical Expenses Account for 62% of all bankruptcies in the United States.”

– 2007, Harvard Health Study

“ 49% of all home foreclosures indicated that the cause was all or in part medical related.”

– Health Matrix 2008
Christopher T. Robertson,
Harvard Law School

Mattress Money

Most consumers consider their traditional banking options like certificates of deposits, fixed annuities, money markets, etc. as their “just in case” fund or their “legacy” value.

Ask your financial advisor how reallocating a portion of your assets towards SBI can help you solve both needs.

Safe money locations rarely generate that perceived value feeling. SBI may create a greater sense of value and/or protection of those monies.